RVA Genesis

Published on 17 May 2023 at 16:04

Heyyy yall! I have the pleasure of interviewing one of our dope Engineers/Producers in Virginia. RVA Genesis is my go to anytime I have a artist who needs something, or a quick session. If your in the RVA area, or even ATL tap in with Genesis. He will get ya right. But I'm ready to get to it, yall bring your roll ups I'll get the drinks. 


Who are you? Tell us what you do! 

My name is RVA Genesis some of you may know me as GenesisMadeThis I was born and raised in Virginia, and I am a Pro Audio Engineer/Producer 


How did you get into the music scene?

I started off doing music in church at a early age. I started playing drums when I was 3, I picked up piano from my mom over the years and then learning multiple instruments in school is what really shaped me into the producer I am today. I picked up engineering the summer before my freshman year in high school because I had friends who wanted to be rappers and the creative process is just something I fell in love with.


When did this become a career for you?

Being a producer/engineer is something I’ve always seen myself doing ever since I picked up my first laptop. I joined the Army in 2018 to fund my journey this music game is not cheap AT ALL I had to do what I had to do to get there! Once I served my term in the army I finally was ready to give music my all and make it my 9-5 no matter how challenging it was. I left the army and came back to Virginia in 2021 to really pursue my dream and It’s been my goal to make a living off of it ever since.


If it’s one thing you could change in the work you do what would it be?

I would change how the business behind dropping a record was handled…I feel like a lot of Producers and Artist too get overlooked. 

because of bad business or a lack of knowledge when it comes to business


Who is your top artist right now?

I don’t really have a “top” artist right now, but I do have a slight list of underground artists I’m working with that I strongly believe in…I listen to the unreleased music we have before I bump industry music straight up.


Has music changed your life? If so, how?

Being a creative means, I have to be creative and to be creative I have to be inspired. I’m not gonna lie once I started doing music full time, I’ve found myself taking more risk and really just moving more freely to allow myself to experience new things.


What do you do outside of the music scene? 

I really be chillin most of the time. If I’m not making beats or mixing I’m probably on YouTube trying to learn something new. Other than that, I be smoking…I like to cook Alfredo. I try to go to the range pretty often…but for the most part Music consumes my life it’s a nonstop job, but I love it.


What made you take it seriously?

I can’t stand not being able to control my job and I love music way to much to take anything else serious to be completely honest. 


Something people don’t know about you. 

I was in the army, and I was recording different artist while I was living in Korea. 


Do you enjoy what you do?

I wouldn’t want to do anything else I love music.


Well there you have it! Genesis, I did not know you were in the Army. Wow. I want to tell you appreciate you and thank you for always reaching out and always helping when I need it. But most importantly you been rocking with me from the beginning so thank you! Yall check out his Instagram below. 

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